Friday, November 14, 2008



Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Road to my new home

My new address is:


I will try to update my new journal
































































Thursday, September 18, 2008

I guess its about time


I never realized it was so long since Ive written ...... I was having computer problems. I have a new one now so maybe I will add entries more often. I don't have any pictures yet because the hard drive went in the old one and I lost a bunch of pictures.... It won't take me too long to add more though I bet. My new computer is pretty nice, I have Bose speakers and the music sounds really nice now and I also have a 24inch screen so I won't be needing stronger glasses now :>)
I just can't think of all that has happened so I will just blab a bit.... My son and daughter in law just were here for a week from Florida but it wasn't a good time for them as Teri's mother fell and was in the hospital and she then died... too young. She had a stroke a while back and was just home with her sister watching her. Her sister went out for a minute and teri's mother went on the porch while she was gone and her walker must have gotten stuck or something and she fell on the cement and was taken right to the hospital but with the blood thiners she was taking they couldn't stop the bleeding and she went into a coma and died....  Maybe after not being in here for so long I should think of something happier to write about.... sorry
Our weather is cooler now..... only into the 70's this week but so nice with the sun shinning! We are getting the yard ready for winter. Cutting back and adding mulch and pulling the weeds for the last time. Boy do we need to get rid of the weeds. I had gout and couldn't do much for about a month and they got away from me.... One way in the back must be 6 feet high. I suppose I could call it a wild flower couldn't I? haha
We took Twinkie and Peaches for a groom and they look so nice. I would take a picture but they are having their afternoon siesta ( after all they are chihuahuas) Not doing any yard work today because I have to play with my new computer and besides Leo and I still ache from the last time. maybe tomorrow------ sounds good to me. :>)
So take care and I will be back soon,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer is here

I thought it time I put in a few pictures of my flowers.... hope you enjoy.
We are going to get new neighbors very soon.... maybe this week end, it will be so nice to have neighbors there again after a year with no one in the house.
Peaches is getting healed but not enough yet. When she is all healed they will take the wires out and then she will be able to walk again.... I hope. She is getting around quite well on 3 legs but Im sure she would rather be walking on all 4
We are going to a party in a week or so for our Grandson and his girlfriend, they got engaged and are having an engagement and house warming party, they bought a house and refinished it all so it will be nice to see. maybe I will get some pictures. I hope.
I haven't been doing much this summer. Just the day to day things and reading a lot.
Hope everyone reading ths is well and enjoying your summer

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Update on Peaches

Yesterday we took Peaches back to Appleton again because she isn't using her leg and the vet here and the vet there thought she should be.... we got there and they took another xray and it looks like the pin had shifted and was too long and was bothering her so she had another surgery. they opened the site up a bit and pulled part of the implant out and closed it with a few staples. She was so tired yesterday and is still quiet today. she does stretch her leg all the way now but doesn't try to walk on it. the bottom part of the bone is healing but the top part doesn't seem to be doing as well. he thinks it will take more time for that and he said eventually all the implants will have to come out..... poor dog but she doesn't seem to be in pain today so thats a good thing.
One of these days I will have to take some pictures of the yard. I have been working a little but just when Peaches is with me or someone so don't do much at a time. I have tulips and daffodils in bloom and a lot of the perennials are starting to show some growth...
   You can still drop by Janice anytime . lol


Friday, April 18, 2008


Peaches broke her leg yesterday falling out of bed. We took her to the Vet and then had to take her to Appelton ( about 35miles away) because it is the worst kind of break and the doctors there are specialists. $$$$$ but she is so worth it and there is still no guarantee she will walk the same again. We have to carry her out and have her on a leash for her potty trips and that is the most she can do for 8 weeks. So I will be busy with her I guess. When we aren't with her she must be kept in her kennel.  Probably wont be making too many comments but we shall see. Just wanted everyone to know
